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#TeamKidney Chicago Marathon: Lisa Morrison

Spotlight on #TeamKidney Chicago Marathon runner Lisa Morrison today!

Lisa says, "Kidney disease and transplantation are causes near and dear to me and my family, and I am so excited to be a part of Team Kidney! Running has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. A couple months after my first half marathon in 2003, I began feeling very ill and learned I was in end stage renal failure due to a rare genetic kidney disease. Suddenly, climbing a flight of stairs was exhausting, and I feared I would never be healthy and strong again.

I was fortunate and received a second chance at life in 2005 when my step-mom Kris gave me her kidney, lovingly referred to as 'Bud.' Since that time, I have been able to begin running again, first half marathons, and eventually triathlons. I trained for a half Ironman in 2015 to celebrate my tenth transplant anniversary and a full Ironman in 2016 to celebrate my eleventh year of health.

When I race, I wear a bracelet that says 'Because I can - Honor the Gift' to remind myself that every mile is truly a gift. This year I am celebrating my fourteenth year of post-transplant health and honoring that amazing, life-changing gift by running the Chicago Marathon as part of Team Kidney to raise funds for the National Kidney Foundation of Illinois!!!"

Unfortunately, Lisa unexpectedly lost her stepdad this week and is unable to run this Sunday, October 13. Help her honor his memory by supporting her via Crowdrise here.

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