Educational Events: Take Charge
take charge of your kidney health
connecting you to resources and education
You should attend this workshop if:
You have kidney disease, kidney failure, or a kidney transplant
You are a caregiver
You have any risk factors for chronic kidney disease, including diabetes or hypertension
At the end of the 8 weeks, you will learn how to:
Manage everyday activities
Control symptoms and decrease stress
Improve communication skills
Avoid complications
Improve your overall health and increase your energy
Become an advocate for yourself
Understand fluid restrictions and dialysis
Ask a panel of experts more about kidney disease
“I am so grateful that someone has come up with this kind of support that dialysis patients and kidney transplant patients need. This program is a lifesaver”
– Take Charge participant Dorothy J
Take Charge: Chronic Disease Self Management Program is an eight-week, 2.5 hour-long workshop for participants who are in various stages of Chronic Kidney Disease. The first six weeks focus on overall healthy living, with two additional sessions that cover kidney specific content. There will be an additional, optional pre-session the week before we start that’s an orientation to the online platform. This event is offered free of charge to participants. Participants should plan to attend all eight sessions.
meet the facilitators
Meet Kimberley, a four-time kidney transplant recipient, brain cancer survivor, and advocate. Inspired by her own journey with lupus nephritis and CKD, she now mentors others with kidney disease. She lives in the northwest suburbs of Chicago with her husband (one of her kidney donors), two kids, and three rescue dogs.
Meet Nadia. "I have Stage 3 Kidney Disease. I’ve been Stage 3 for 10 years. I’m also a Type 2 Diabetic and I’ve been off of insulin for two years. My journey hasn’t been easy, but my health is important to me. One thing I learn about my journey is to take it one day at a time."
Ready to take control of your health?
Reserve your spot now, and take action! Limited space avaliable. Tap the registration button below on your chosen location. Return the completed form to Angelique Marseille at
date & time
Join us virtually on Zoom
Tuesdays, October 15 to December 10
4:30 pm - 7:00 pm
registration information
Registration is free: as are all program materials.
Pre-registration online: is required for all attendees.
Donations: to the National Kidney Foundation of Illinois are welcome and will help cover additional program expenses.
locations & details
Week 1
Fatigue and getting a good night's sleep
The mind-body connection/distraction
Introduction to Action Plans
Week 2
Introduction to problem-solving
Dealing with difficult emotions
Introduction to physical activity and exercise
Preventing falls and improving balance
Week 3
Making decisions
Pain management
Endurance exercise
Healthy eating
Week 4
Better breathing
Reading food labels - Part 1
Problem solving
Communication skills
Week 5
Reading food labels - Part 2
Medication usage
Relaxation body scan
Dealing with depression
Communicating with ourselves
Week 6
Making informed treatment decisions
Working with your health care team
Guided imagery relaxation
Looking back and planning for the future
Week 7
What is chronic kidney disease
Connection between kidney disease and other chronic conditions
Tools to manage kidney disease
Navigating the health care system
Patient reference and important medical tests
Week 8
Menu planning for stage 3-4 kidney disease
Panel discussion
Motivation for a healthy future
kidney health resources
empowering through education
program sponsors
you make the difference
The National Kidney Foundation of Illinois is able to support patients and families, conduct free educational seminars, and offer community screening days through the generosity of our passionate supporters, and a remarkable team of dedicated sponsors. For more information on sponsoring this program, contact Wesley Bauer at