Originally posted here.
The holidays are a time of celebration. Parties and get-togethers with friends, family, and coworkers all have two things in common: food and drink. For people on dialysis, these social gatherings can also mean tough choices about what to eat and drink. It’s important to enjoy yourself and have fun during social gatherings but also to make healthy choices! Be prepared with these tips to help you to navigate holiday parties successfully:

Don’t arrive hungry — have a snack before you arrive. This will help you to make smarter choices because your eyes and empty stomach won’t be steering you towards everything in sight. A protein-based snack can be a great way to take off the “hunger edge” because it can help you feel full without creating a surge in blood sugar like snacks high in sugar and simple carbohydrates.
Distract yourself — Holiday parties are times to be social, so enjoy the company. Look at the selections and take your time at the food table to make smart decisions. When you finish making a plate, sit down and chat. Having a conversation while eating can help you eat more slowly
Moderation and portion control — A good general rule is that everything is okay to eat in moderation. Depending on your specific dietary needs, the portion sizes for some foods should be smaller than others. For example, if you have diabetes or pre-diabetes, watch out for high sugar foods and drinks.
Watch your plate — Pay attention to how many times you’ve filled your plate, rather than grazing throughout the party, and it will be easier to remember how much you’ve eaten.
Avoid alcohol — Alcoholic drinks are typically high in sugar and calories. Opt for seltzer or other water-based beverages instead. If you are drinking alcohol, be mindful that these calories add up, even if they don’t make you feel full. Alcohol can also affect your judgment and your ability to make other healthy food choices.
Steer clear of the salt, especially watch meats — Many buffets and pot-luck dinners include meats. Be sure to always follow your healthcare provider’s recommendations for protein intake and keep in mind that some meats are highly processed, making them high in salt and phosphorus additives. Typically, a sodium-phosphate solution is injected into the processed deli meats that you will find on a buffet table. Reducing your salt intake can greatly impact blood pressure control.
Just a taste — A holiday party is a treat, so treat yourself, but don’t overdo it! Take small portions of foods you don’t eat on a regular basis. Sometimes a bite-size (tbsp) serving of a special food can satisfy a craving.
Speak up! — It's okay to say, "no thanks" when someone suggests you re-join them in the buffet line or offers you “seconds.” Don’t allow yourself to be pressured into eating more than you would like.
Bring a healthy dish — As your pot luck dish, choose a healthy option that you know you can eat. This will then be a “safe” food that you know you can eat at the party.
Don’t let your sweet tooth take over — With tempting desserts left and right, it can be easy for your inner sweet tooth to compete with your self-control this time of year. Try to split desserts with a friend or family member instead of eating a whole portion yourself.
If you must limit your fluid intake, save up your fluid — If you know you are going to a party, you can limit your fluid earlier in the day. This will enable you to enjoy the non-alcoholic drinks available, without having to worry about the extra fluid dialysis will have to remove later. Another way to enjoy while limiting fluid is to use small cups and ask for ice. Most parties will have coffee and tea available. These cups tend to be smaller than the cups (or cans of) cold drinks provided. Make sure you still pay attention to how many cups you drink.
Carry your meds with you, including phosphorus binders — Buffets lend themselves to “grazing” or eating small amounts frequently. If you are on phosphorus binders it is important to take them throughout the time you are “grazing.” This will help bind the phosphorus and keep it out of your blood as you enjoy food throughout the party.
Be wary of the potassium — Casseroles and fruit punch can contain unknown amounts of potassium depending on how they were made and the types of ingredients (fresh vs. canned vs. frozen) used. Avoid big portions of foods you know are high in potassium, including bananas, potatoes and meatballs with extra tomato sauce. It is okay to have small portions of these but, again, don’t overdo it.
Know your numbers! — Do you know how your labs have been lately? Do you have room to eat a little more potassium or phosphorus at your holiday party? Have you been running high levels that require you to be extra careful? Speak with your renal dietitian. He or she will be able to help you decide the best way to choose foods and drinks at your special events this holiday season.
It’s important to know what to look out for before you start to fill your plate. Know your limitations and make smart choices to get through the holiday season healthy, happy and with good labs! Have a healthy and happy holiday season!