Innovations Grant - now accepting applications
This grant supports and funds new, innovative applications, research, technologies, and other novel processes that lead to more effective, equitable and sustainable solutions to improve the lives of those at risk for kidney disease and transplantation-related diseases,

and/or improve the prevention, management and treatment or cure of these diseases.
This grant is open to innovators addressing all sorts of kidney and transplant community needs. Projects can be at various stages of the innovation process including identifying the need, increasing collective understanding of the issue, generating ideas or testing and implementing solutions. Proposals can focus on one area or span multiple stages.
Learn more or apply here.
Foundation Dietitian - Dr. Melissa Prest

We're THRILLED to announce that Melissa Prest, DCN, MS, RDN, CSR, LDN, has joined our team as the Foundation Dietitian! Melissa will consult with patients on our KidneyMobile and in our office, update our kidney-friendly cookbook, host Kidneys in the Kitchen and more!
Contact her at or 312-321-1500 ext 246 to set up an in-person or phone consultation for patients with kidney disease, on dialysis and post transplant!
Team Kidney: Guaranteed Entries into the 2020 Chicago Marathon - Hurry!
The National Kidney Foundation of Illinois is proud to be an official charity partner of

the Bank of America Chicago Marathon. Every year, marathon organizers put aside a limited number of slots for athletes committed to running in honor of philanthropic causes, and when you run on behalf of the NKFI, every mile you put behind you will raise money for free health screenings, community programming, and cutting-edge research.
As a member of Team Kidney, you'll have access to our online giving platform, access to renowned trainer and coach Seth Kopf, an NKFI fundraising coach, and exciting Team Kidney incentives. Best of all, you'll have the entire NKFI community cheering you on.
Hurry - spots must be filled by December 3. Contact Abby Slade at to get started.
Spare Change - Make giving easy!
Donors sign up to give their spare change (debit card transactions are rounded up to the nearest dollar) with three simple steps. Cheerful tracks the transactions on the linked account and will trigger a donation when the change accumulates to $5.
Users donate an average of $20 per month in spare change. Just 100 spare change donors could raise $25,000 a year in micro-donations for the National Kidney Foundation of Illinois.
Every dime you donate supports the mission of the NKFI, and allows us to connect kidney disease patients and their families with much-needed resources and information.
Get started here or by texting “Give2-Kidney” to 77948.

Volunteer Spotlight: Alexis Connell
Alexis is not only a dedicated NKFI volunteer, traveling to health fairs, parades, and events, she's also a transplant recipient! She recently shared her story at the WVON Family Care Expo, alongside NKFI CEO Jackie Bishop and nephrologist Dr. Paul Crawford. Alexis talked about how she has incorporated nutrition and fitness to live a healthy life post-transplant. We are so grateful to her for helping us spread the word about chronic kidney disease, the NKFI, life post-transplant, and organ donation!
Upcoming Events
World Kidney Day
March 12, 2020
Team Kidney: Shamrock Shuffle
March 22, 2020
Team Kidney: Illinois Marathon
April 23-25, 2020
Middle Market Open
July 13, 2020
NKF Konica Minolta Golf Classic
September 23, 2020
Team Kidney: Chicago Marathon
October 11, 2020
Team Kidney: Naperville Half Marathon & 5K
October 18, 2020
More dates to be confirmed in early 2020!
Year-End Giving
We are so grateful for every dime our faithful supporters give! Your donations help us provide educational programs, prev

entative screenings, and a sense of empowerment to those living with or affected by kidney disease.
We would be honored for you to remember the NKFI in your end-of-year giving. Make a gift in honor or memory of a loved one here.