According to the Center of Disease Control and Prevention, as of 2020 in Illinois, kidney disease is the ninth-leading cause of death. Nationally, it’s the 10th-leading cause of death.
The National Kidney Foundation of Illinois will host a half-day seminar for residents to learn more about kidney health.
The seminar, according to a statement released by the Foundation, is for “patients and families who are living with kidney disease or have had a kidney transplant. Participants will enjoy a keynote speaker; a series of intimate, expert-led conversations rooted in kidney health, and a moderated panel discussion on topics including:
Financial Challenges with Transplant After Retirement
Muscle Therapy for Dialysis Patients
Healthy Eating
Myths and Facts about Kidney Transplant
Goal Setting
Social Support for Caregivers and Patients
And more!”
The seminar will take place on Saturday, May 7, at Malcolm X College, 1900 W. Jackson Boulevard in Chicago. For more information, visit the National Kidney Foundation of Illinois website: nkfi.org or call (312) 321-1500.
CONTACT: michael@austinweeklynews.com