share your story

story sharing project
your voice matters
For many patients and families facing a diagnosis of kidney disease there are few things more helpful than hearing from someone who has been there before. With that in mind, the National Kidney Foundation of Illinois has organized the Story Sharing Project.
This simple, straight-forward exchange allows patients and families who have run the gamut a forum to pass on their hard-earned wisdom to those who need it most.
Whatever your experience has been - whether you are a patient, caregiver, or loved one - the National Kidney Foundation of Illinois would love to hear your story. You never know how your experience will help, who it will touch, or how deeply it may inspire those who need it.

read the stories
find strength in community
Read accounts from other NKFI supporters who have shared their stories, and find strength from your fellow members of the kidney health community. Explore varied tales of advocacy, organ donation, kidney transplantation, fundraising with Team Kidney, and much, much more.