stocks and assets

Make an investment in the National Kidney Foundation of Illinois with a gift of stocks, securities or in-kind assets.
Giving appreciated stock you have held for more than a year to the National Kidney Foundation of Illinois allows us to engage in long-term planning and strategy, and offers you, the donor, unique financial benefits.
It also allows you to make your gift go further! For instance: let's say you bought 100 shares of stock XYZ five years ago at $10 a share ($1,000 total), and today those shares are worth $50 each (now valued at $5,000). If you donated half of those shares to the NKFI, you would be gifting $2,500 to patient services and education but essentially only spending half of your original investment. You'd also enjoy greater tax benefits (see below for details).
And beyond making a smart, strategic gift for yourself financially, gifting stock to the NKFI allows us to diversify our development strategies, and create new, ambitious programs for patients and families touched by kidney disease.

how it works
getting the process started
Usually, once you decide to make your donation, the transfer of the gift itself is simple (it is usually conducted through brokers, and assets are simply moved directly into an NKFI trust), but there are several giving options you can pick from.
The manner in which you choose to give stock will likely be dependent on your personal investment strategy, but to get you started, we've collected some information on common approaches and best practices. We also recommend you consult with your brokerage and/or financial planner, to ensure you've planned your gift strategically and efficiently.

Give Stock Outright​
Giving stock outright is simple and easy. You pick which securities to donate, and you'll receive a tax deduction for the full, fair-market value of said stock as recorded on the day of its transfer.
You'll also likely eliminate your capital gains exposure - as will the tax-exempt NKFI if/when we liquidate the gift for cash.
Giving a stock outright (as opposed to selling a stock and then gifting cash from the sale) is thus more valuable for both the NKFI and for you, as a donor, as it allows a larger gift to be directed toward NKFI programs, and provides you with greater tax savings.

Give Through a Donor Advised Fund​
A donor advised fund is a charitable investment account that exists for the sole purpose of supporting non-profit organizations. They are the fastest-growing charitable giving vehicle in the United States, and they are among the easiest and most tax-advantageous ways to give to charity.
Since the assets you contribute to a DAF are headed to charity, they can generate interest tax-free, which means you'll be able to give more to organizations like the NKFI, and you'll be eligible for immediate (and potentially larger) tax deductions.
If creating a donor advised fund sounds like a giving strategy you may be interested in pursuing, we recommend contacting your financial advisors to learn more about opening one.

benefits of
giving stocks
Giving stocks or securities can offer numerous financial benefits for donors. These may include:​
Avoid Capital Gains Tax. Rather than selling a stock and donating the proceeds to the NKFI, donating a security outright may help you avoid paying capital gains tax on the stock's appreciation.
Enjoy Larger Deductions. If you give stock through a donor advised fund, you may be able to increase your tax deduction; up to 30% of your adjusted gross income, as opposed to the standard 20%. You can also get a deduction for the full, fair-market value of the stock (not just what you actually paid).
Help the NKFI Invest. Gifts of stock and security support the Foundation's long-term stability, and enable us to create larger, more ambitious programs for patients.
need any help?
Never made a gift of stocks or securities before? If you have any questions, or need a bit of guidance to get started, our Chief Financial Officer Sheilla Ntambo is happy to help.
phone: (312) 321 - 1500 x 236
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Should your broker need the NKFI's tax exempt info:
Federal Tax EIN: 366009226
Illinois Tax Exempt Number: E9984 - 2823 - 07
other ways to give
thank you for your passion
The National Kidney Foundation of Illinois happily welcomes the support of health-minded communities, and we offer numerous channels you may use to get involved in our work.