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Cómo Enfrentar Nuestros Temores Relacionados con la COVID-19

Updated: May 27, 2020

El ESRD NCC está organizando su próximo Quickinar COVID-19 centrado en el paciente. El evento de 30 minutos se presentará íntegramente en español y contará con un defensor de pacientes y una enfermera de diálisis discutiendo los temores de los pacientes hispanos durante la pandemia de COVID-19.

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Flyer about Spanish Webinar happening on Tuesday May 26 at 5PM and Wednesday May 27 at 5PM

The ESRD NCC is hosting their next patient-focused COVID-19 Quickinar. The 30-minute event will be presented entirely in Spanish and will feature a patient advocate and a dialysis nurse discussing fears of Hispanic patients during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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