Educational Events: Living with Kidney Disease & Transplantation, Champaign-Urbana
learn from the experts
connecting you to physicians and resources
Each installment of Living with Kidney Disease and Transplantation consists of one or two large presentations; a series of intimate, expert-led conversations rooted in kidney-health; and a moderated panel discussion.
It is our goal to provide participants a unique forum that allows them to understand their diagnosis in an understanding, supportive environment, and lets them access whatever information they might need about medications, insurance, diet, treatment options, and more. Educational topics may cover any of the following areas:
Managing nutrition
Advances in medicine
How to arrange a kidney transplant
Benefits of receiving a transplant
Medicare, insurance, and paying for treatment
Emotional support and wellness
Dialysis options
Breakfast and lunch are both offered free of charge. Following lunch and the program's conclusion, attendees will have the opportunity to continue the conversation and talk with speakers and experts one-on-one. Presenters are happy to be resources, and are more than willing to discuss any questions that were not covered in the program.
** Please Note: Like all NKFI Living with Kidney Disease and Transplantation events, this program is presented free of charge.
ticket information
Registration is free: as is parking, breakfast, lunch and all program materials.
Pre-registration online: is requested for all attendees.
Raffle tickets: are sold for $1 each.
Donations: to the National Kidney Foundation of Illinois are welcome and will help cover additional program expenses.

location & details
your course to support the National Kidney Foundation of Illinois
8:30am - Registration & Exhibitor Tables Open, Breakfast
9:15am - Welcome Reception
Monica Fox | National Kidney Foundation of Illinois
9:20am - Understanding Food Labels and Sodium
Colleen Hamilton, RD, LDN
10:00am - Plant-Based Protein
Karla Rippchen, MMgmt, RD, LDN
Agenda subject to change
10:40am - Break & Networking
Make your own taco seasoning demo
Plant-based proteins
11:00am - Transplantation in All Stages
Dr. Chris Johnson, MD
11:40am - Understanding Lab Results
Sarah Jordan, RD, LDN
12:20pm - Networking Lunch & Chair Yoga

Revisit the day's seminars and lectures by exploring the presentation materials below. These materials are free to access, and available for download.

kidney health resources
empowering through education
program sponsors
you make the difference
The National Kidney Foundation of Illinois is able to support patients and families, conduct free educational seminars, and offer community screening days through the generosity of our passionate supporters, and a remarkable team of dedicated sponsors. Interested in sponsoring this program? Download the Sponsorship Packet or contact Wesley Bauer at 312-321-1500 or

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